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Showing posts from December, 2018

Major Life Change – Essay

In the last four years there has been one major change in my life.  Four years ago I was a military policeman in the Marine Corps planning on either staying in the Corp. or getting out and joining the police force somewhere. I am very proud of my service to my country and of the things I accomplished while in the Corp.  However, while I was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North Carolina some events occurred that caused me to rethink the plans I made for my life. Neither of the events I'm going to mention to you are earth shattering and are, for the most part, I believe common in the life of a policeman.  The first is the day I and another Marine MP had to search a house that had just been burglarized.  This was not the first house I had, had to search; however while searching this house there was an excellent opportunity to catch the burglar still inside.  For me this elevated my consciousness that I was holding and ready to use a loaded pistol. As

Reason for Transferring – Essay

My reason for transferring is quite simple, I will be graduating in May from the Community College I am presently attending.  I have heard about the programs at Ithaca through some of the students and teachers at Duchess Community College and was interested enough to ask you for a brochure.  After reading it, I have come to the conclusion that I will do very well at Ithaca and wish to attend. The objectives that I would hope to accomplish at Ithaca are very simple.  I would like to learn as much as possible in the field of filmmaking, as to feel comfortable in taking a job in the field of filmmaking upon graduation.  Other things that I would like to accomplish at Ithaca are to work on my fiction writing skills, to make film industry contacts and to basically enjoy the experience of being in College.  The meeting of new people and the learning of new ideas and concepts are just two of the things I look forward to. As for the long-term goals that I hope to leave Ithaca with

My Life – Essay

In my life of twenty-five years [written in 1994], I believe I have seen quite a lot.  I have traveled, through the Marine Corps and seen some of the world.  Through my job as a military policeman in the Marine's, I have seen and dealt with some of the more unpleasant parts of life. Since leaving the Marine Corps and coming home to New York I have concentrated on making a living for myself and more importantly on my school work at Duchess Community College.  While at DCC for the last few years I have been regrouping and finding a focus and direction for my life. At DCC I have found new ways to use the skills life and the Marines have taught me.  For myself, I see the things that I once thought of as impossible and now are completely open to me and anyone else willing to try for them. I have been described by people I know as being the strong silent type.  I'm not sure how true that is.  I have always seen myself as being somewhat impatient and I have certainly never been ac

Generation X – Essay

Although I fall into the age group you have listed as “generation X” I do not believe myself to be one.  The one definition that I have heard to ex[lain “generation X” is that they are people who have no drive or ambition to do anything and blame other people (ex: their parents, teachers, politicians, etc.) for all their problems.  It's my belief that the name “generation X” is a name given to young people by their parents the baby boomers, a name that was given to them by their parents who held positions of power at the time, where I do see a lack of manners and polite behavior from the young people of today I do not see much of a difference between generations.  This definition is not the reason that I say I do not consider myself to be a member of “generation X”.  My reasons for denying my membership is simple.  I believe to label entire generations is a mistake and it is wrong to try and define or attempt to ring common goals and beliefs to a group of individual people because