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Generation X – Essay

Although I fall into the age group you have listed as “generation X” I do not believe myself to be one.  The one definition that I have heard to ex[lain “generation X” is that they are people who have no drive or ambition to do anything and blame other people (ex: their parents, teachers, politicians, etc.) for all their problems.  It's my belief that the name “generation X” is a name given to young people by their parents the baby boomers, a name that was given to them by their parents who held positions of power at the time, where I do see a lack of manners and polite behavior from the young people of today I do not see much of a difference between generations.  This definition is not the reason that I say I do not consider myself to be a member of “generation X”.  My reasons for denying my membership is simple.  I believe to label entire generations is a mistake and it is wrong to try and define or attempt to ring common goals and beliefs to a group of individual people because they are in a close age range.  In this world where most people are spending the majority of their time just trying to pay the bills, it's not hard to see what's wrong.  The hardest thing is to find the good and there is a lot of good to be seen.

The question asked for me to discuss, the things that influenced my generation, and I think that's pretty easy to do.  First of all. I would say computers and the technology of today have to be seen as the biggest influences.  The second would have to be the breakup of the family unit.  The first one I believe is what has to be seen as positive and the second one an only be seen as a negative.  To bring this all together quickly I would have to say that mine is a generation that is very materialistic but does not believe in money.  I would also go so far as to say it is a very artistic generation and because of the decline of the family is searching for somewhere to belong.  I say this because I believe that by human nature we are a species that lives in packs and we all need to sense that we belong somewhere.  The lack of a stable family life, which has developed into a trend in today's society has forced this generation to look for belonging elsewhere, some of which has been in the wrong places.

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