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Dreams of the Brother – Essay

     Three in the morning and Randy woke up with a start, he'd been dreaming about cats again.  This was the fifth time in as many night.  They were getting to him, he'd always considered himself a dog person.  So,  he couldn't understand why he'd dream about cats.  The dreams were getting worse to.  It had started with just one cat, that's all.  One persistent, little Tabby, who wouldn't leave his dream that first night.  Now though, there were hundreds, thousands maybe.

     They weren't nightmares.  Not really, not in the true sense.  They were just disturbing.  The cats never did anything, they just wouldn't leave him alone.  It was all becoming to much for him.  He decided to go downstairs and get a glass of milk.  Milk, he thought, wow far to close to a cat.  I think I'll have a soda.

     In the kitchen, Randy's brother Jake was sitting slumped over a glass of soda.  It was amazing. Jake looked like Randy felt.  Randy had no idea if Jake considered himself a cat person, dog person, or even considered the idea at all.  Still, he almost asked “cats?” in spite of himself.

     “What's the matter”? he asked instead.
     “Nothing” was his brothers reply.
      Randy couldn't help himself.
     “Bad Dreams” he asked.
     “Yeah, how'd you know”.
     “What did you dream about”.
     “You had them too, didn't you”.
     “Maybe, what were you dreaming about”.
     'The X-Files.... not the show really.  Just one episode.  You remember the one that explained about
     “Yeah, what about it?”

     Jake went on to explain in detail about the episode.  The part in particular that had caused him to lose sleep.  It seems that at one point in the show, Cancerman was sitting at a table planning the future of the world, with a couple of other high ranking secret government officials.  Cancerman stated that in his lifetime the Buffalo Bills were not allowed to win the Superbowl.  This was the thing that was upsetting Jake.

     “By the look on your face” Jake said “I guess that's not what you were dreaming of  Huh”.
     “No, it wasn't.”
     “So, what were you dreaming about”?
     “Nothing that stupid.” Randy said.  Excused himself and went back upstairs to bed, chuckling about how weird his brother is.


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