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Sports – Essay

     I wonder what made people decide being tough and strong is a bad thing?  I wonder why the world neglected to tell me this?  In case the world just happens to be listening to this, I think tough and strong are good qualities.  In case I'm the only one who noticed life ain't easy.  Having these two qualities sure does help in dealing with life.

     As for Mr. McMurty, who claims that football romanticizes the mask of the romantic combatant and brings out feelings of violent aggression in spectators, I can only say I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the sport.  The mask of the romantic combatant.  I have no idea what that means.  The image it brings to my mind is Zorro, and I could not even begin to guess what Zorro has to do with society today.  Let alone football.  Concerning feelings of violent aggression , it is my personal opinion that we all have feelings of violent aggression twenty four hours a day.  If a football game cane safely release some of the anger we all carry around in us, I fail to see the harm its doing.  If fans cheer when a person gets hit during the game, I would suspect that the fans are not cheering the hit.  But, instead imagining that the person getting hit in there boss, wife, husband, kids, parents, teachers, or some other person who has exasperated their patients who is getting the blow.  This I believe to be a normal healthy release of pent-up emotions.

     I have noticed that the sports that are considered the most violent are also the sports that have the most action.  More people can be seen doing something at any given time in sports like football and hockey.  People may not be watching these sports for the violence.  They may simply be watching them because they have the short attention span I hear so often that all Americans have.  Other people like myself: do not stand and applaud when players get hurt, but simply watch the game for the skill, stamina, and pure atheism it takes to play the game.  One final point is that games like football and all sports instill in us is discipline.  It's this discipline that helps you keep going in a life that's not always fair and is never easy.


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