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Night Shapes

     Ten pm:;   Everything's all powered up.   Time to enter.   Our players: PassionFly, Rogue, Megalon and Manco.   They will all meet in a private virtual room called NightShapes.   It's been going on for over a year.   Originally they met in a room called Sterin.   The more they became involved with each other, the more obvious it became that they needed a room of their own.   So they created NightShapes.      To begin, PassionFly sets out candles for mood lighting.   Rogue dresses to sexy lingerie and puts on perfume.   Megalon and Manco strip down to their boxer shorts before they enter.   They all like the idea of being naked in front of someone else.   Of course no one can actually see them, but that's a moot point.                                                                    NightShapes PassionFly                  First one in the room PassionFly                  where are you?????? Manco                         right here baby      PassionFl
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