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George Orwell - Research Paper

     In attempting to write something intelligent and legible about George Orwell's use of satire in writing, I have found it best to draw from the mans own words.  In his essay “Why I Write” Mr. Orwell or Eric Blair (his true name) attempts to explain the drive behind his work.  He describes that there are four major reasons any serious writer practices their craft.

     “I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing prose.  They exist in different degrees in every writer, and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time, according to the atmosphere in which he is living”  ONEF, p 141

     These four great motives as he sees them are “Sheer egoism”, “Aesthetic enthusiasm”, Historical impulse”, and “Political purpose”.  He goes on to describe all four, I will endeavor to hit the high lights for you.

     “Sheer egoism” as Mr. Orwell calls it, is to try and be clever, to set oneself apart from, and gain the attention of the crowd.  To build yourself a legacy for after death, and to get back at the adults who ignored you in your childhood.

     “Serious writers”, I should say, are on the whole more vain and self-centered than journalists, though less interested in money” ONEF, p l14

     “Aesthetic enthusiasm” implies the love and beauty of the craft in all its forms.  “Historical impulse” is the desire to save the events of our life and times for posterity.  “Political purposes”, he considers the word political to be used in its widest possible sense.  Possibly the most egotistical of all the motives, the political one wants to change and direct the world towards the writers own beliefs.

     It is for political purposes which Mr. Orwell did most of his writing.  This does not mean however, that Mr. Orwell planed or started his writing career with this in mind.  This was not the case.

     “In a peaceful age I might have written ornate or merely descriptive books, and might have remained almost unaware of my political loyalties.”  ONEF, p 142

     I think this quote speaks volumes about Mr. Orwell.  Although, it can't be proven one way or the other, it does tell us that Mr. Orwell believed and in the beginning of his writing career desired only to write descriptive books.

     Mr. Orwell spent five years on the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, a profession he credits with giving him his first understandings of Imperialism.  Then as he puts it “I underwent poverty”. His poverty gave him a sense of the working class.  A people and a cause he would both fight for and be highly critical of in his later work.  Like everyone else in Europe, during his time, Mr. Orwell was also forced to witness Hitler, Stalin, and the Spanish Civil War.  The later he fought in, on the loyalist side.  He became a socialist who criticized Communism and Imperial Capitalism.

     These are the major circumstances that drew Mr. Orwell into the political arena.  From this it's easy to see why Mr. Orwell wrote what he did.  It's also implied I believe, how he wrote.  Everything he has written holds the theme of man Vs the state or some other variation on this. Mr. Orwell was a man who hated violence and injustice in all it's forms.  He was also a man who was forced to suffer injustices visited on him.  I believe he did the only thing he could, turning to political satire to find justice for himself.  He used his natural instinct for descriptive writing in order to show the world what he saw everyday.

C.     M. Woodhouse writes in his introduction to “Animal Farm” that the book will not dramatically change the world in a decade or two.  But, in fact it may win it's author a place among “Shelley's legislators of the world”  If it does not, then he says that Mr. Orwell may yet be immortalized as a prophet for his book “1984”.  At the moment I can't see that either has happened, and I don't believe Mr. Orwell would ever believe it could happen.  However, above what I consider Mr. Orwell's greatest expectations he has managed a spot in history somewhere between the two, he is a man, who gives me inspiration to write, because even a failure can be a success.


Howe, Irving “Orwell's Nineteen Eight Four” Harcourt, Brace and World, INC 1963
Orwell, George “Animal Farm” Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc 1946

Orwell, George “The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, Harcourt, Brace
and World, Inc. 1968


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