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In Vino Veritas

Necessity is the father of all alcoholic's

From the gutter
I hear what words are often muttered.
Should I decide to leave
I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to say.

If I weren't a drunk
then I'd only be a bum
and I prefer to specialize.

If all we have to fear is fear itself
then let's all have a drink of bourbon
and hail ourselves
the conquering hero's.

Should liquor be spilled
and the mouse take hold
let the cat run away
and the dog be bold.

Though the long battle hours
many a bar maid has fled
the whiskey's been spilled
and you've turned sour.

The end is near
fate has spoken
all those who've made it this far must leave
It's closing time.

In empty bottles there are empty lives.
In full bottles there are hopes and dreams.

From a sip of the nectar of the Gods
to a drink from the stock of man,
ending with Nightrain in an alley,
was money turned a drunk from man.

From the gutter
my minds a flutter.
Some say twas a woman
I say more likely was my last drink
brought me to my knees.

The change from day to night.
The switch from beer to whiskey.
The progression of life, and the denial.

In the dim.
To find the dark recess.
The definition of alcohol.

Should I save myself or should I suffer.
The pure life and decadence, are one on the same.
There is pleasure in pain.
Open another bottle.

Drink or fight
fight or drink.
In the end were all condemned
to think.

Life is hurried, time is short
a Bloody Mary, and a sunrise
could go a long way.

A toast to all those who died today,
for tomorrow might be our own turn.

Should my love leave me, I'll turn to whiskey.
Should I lose my family, I'll toast them in wine.
Should my health fail me, I'll drown myself in beer.
Ah, the hell with it, just give me a drink.


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