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FREEDON--The quality or state of being free.  2. The absence of necessity, cohesion, or constraint in choice or action.  3.  Liberation from slavery or restraint of from power from another (independence).  4. The quality of being exempt or released from something onerous.

LICENSE—Permission to act, freedom of action.  2. Permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful.  3.  A document, plate or tag evidencing a license granted.  4.  Excessive liberty, abuse of freedom, disregard of law or property.

     Freedom and license both have a number of reasons as we can see from the definitions above.  Using the definition above for license we see that the word freedom appears in it twice in two different ways.  Both of these ways shows us the difference between these two words.  As compared to freedom license can either be a permission given by a competent authority enabling you to act with a certain freedom.  Or, as in its last definition it can be seen as an abuse of freedom  This abuse can either be of someone's personal freedom such as name calling, or the abuse of a restraint of freedom placed on society by society for its own good such as traffic laws.  When you insult someone or break a traffic law, you are in essence bringing your personal freedom to a higher level than everyone else.  In doing so you violate their freedom by imposing your freedom onto them  As you can imagine this can have disastrous effects.


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