You know, if I
could have spoken at the moment I was born, I think I would have told the world
to shut-up and leave me alone. No, no I
wouldn't, I'm not that cynical. Yet I
know there are some people who wouldn't agree with that. People say I come across mean and
intimidating. But So What. What do those people know about me
anyway? It's not like I was born this
way. At one time I was very trusting and
idealistic. But, of course all that
changes over time. How'd it happen? I don't know, little things adding up I
I blame it on my
time spent in the service now. But,
that's not where it started. No, it
began years ago. You see I'm
dyslexic. Not like everyone else today,
but a real one. I'm only saying this
because it seems to be the learning disability of choice today. Dyslexia the disability for the masses. Everybody has to have it. It has even made its way into TV sitcom
families. Starting with that stupid
Cosby kid, and has since blossomed into the miracle answer for every sitcom
brat. It's a wonderful disability to
have. If you're on TV. See first you start failing school. Then some wonderful doctor tells you, you
have dyslexia. Of course you deny it at
first. But, then you come around. And low and behold by the end of your first
day, you're an “A” student. Yeah, they make
it real nice. Too bad life isn't like
that. It's not so easy to beat it, in
life. Sure you can get help.
But, it doesn't make it go away. So, you try your best to hide it from the
world. Hide it! Like you've done something wrong. You know, you avoid the things it comes out
in most. Like writing and reading. You put on a front and try to bluff your way
through things. You lie, cheat, and
steal your way around any situation that comes up. But, in the end you're just making yourself
look stupid, because it doesn't make it go away. It never goes away.
You know, you
could be going along nice and smooth and all of a sudden there it is. And, that's it. You're frozen, completely useless. You look at what you're trying to do a
hundred ways from Sunday, but it's no good.
You just can't see how it's suppose to come together. So you sit there, Frustrated as all Hell,
until finally you sink so low as to have to ask for help. Or, it slips out when you're not
looking. You're typing away on some
report that has to be on your boss's desk in the morning. Without knowing it, your dyslexia slips from
your fingertips, and into the spelling on your report. Oh sure, you spell check it, but it's not
enough and you know it. Something slips
by just for your boss's eyes only. Then
he goes around thinking you're stupid for the rest of the time you work
there. And of course you get to sit and
wonder why you never get that promotion you've been waiting for.
Asking for help
is the worst though. That brings back
all the memories. You remember all the
“SPECIAL” classrooms in school. The
fights you'd get into when the other kids teased you. Yeah, you were a member of the retard class
in school. The name still sticks in your
mind, along with the other insults the NORMAL kids would hurl at you. But, that's all right because all kids are
cruel sometimes. They just don't know
any better. I would guess that they
learn it from us adults. Food for
thought huh. Yes, it's the adult's
comments that you remember the most. Oh,
they don't remember saying them, but they did and you hear em. They say things like “What are you
stupid”? “an IDIOT”. Yeah, you hear em and you remember.
Remember when you
would have spelling contests in school?
You know, when you would be placed on a team, boys against the girls or
right side of the class against the left side, whatever. Everyone would have to take a turn. You'd do everything possible to get
missed. The teacher should have known
better after all you always had to go to the “SPECIAL” classes.
“OK, who's up
next? Tim, I see you back there. Your word is DIPLOMAT”.
“I don't want
to,” You'd plead.
“Just do it,”
she'd say exasperated.
So you would go
up to the board 'biqlomat'. Then it came, the laughter. It came from everywhere. You could hear the teacher, what she was
saying under her breath.
“My God, I don't
remember his brother being this stupid”.
The word STUPID
rang out, seemingly to have been egged on by the laughter. You wish you were dead. Nine years old and you wish you were
dead. You remember. They deny it and, I REMEMBER.
They're the
adults that don't know about your problem.
If you can imagine, the ones that do know are even worse. They treat you like you are what the other
ones are saying about you. Yeah, like
you're this giant moron, and they're this great God, come to lift you out of
your low, insignificant life, Yes,
they've come to shape you into something they know is better.
But, what can you
do, the past is the past. You can't
track them all down, and say, Hey look how well I turned out after all. Besides if you did they wouldn't care
anyhow. You can't go out and hunt them
down to kill either. Though sometimes
you wish you could. So, what can you do? You just go around, kinda with this chip on
your shoulder waiting for someone to knock it off. You're though; you made it through on your
own. No one can take that from you. Even if they think you're mean cause you're
tough. So excuse me when I say, you can
go to hell world, I'm here and I ain't going anywhere.
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